Areg Gharabegian
During the Soviet era in Armenia, there were virtually no non-governmental organizations (NGOs). After the devastating earthquake of December 1988 and during the years of the war in Artsakh (Karabagh), NGOs began to form and were heavily involved with relief and humanitarian efforts. The government of Armenia was unable to cope with the dire situation resulting from the earthquake and the war, and therefore had to accept the active participation of civil society organizations (CSOs).
The focus of these new NGOs was on refugees, women, children, the
elderly, and the disabled, but their activities were somewhat limited.
Their inability to meet the growing demand for emergency services and
operations, for example, was due to a lack of local NGO skills,
knowledge, and capabilities, and the absence of an appropriate legal
framework. This period can be considered the first stage in the
formation of local NGOs.
Even though most of the NGOs were located in Yerevan, local NGOs began emerging in the marzes (provinces),
too, and implementing projects in education, health, culture, community
development, and income generation. In 1997, the number of local NGOs
passed 500. By 2001, data from the state register showed that 2,585 NGOs
were officially registered. In 2010, the state register reported 45
international NGOs and 5,700 local NGOs. However, out of the total
number of local NGOs registered, only 15 percent can be considered
operational; most in that percentage are small outfits that are not
active, and some have vague and obscure missions. The following are the
mission statements of a few such NGOs:
–The main goal of the organization is to participate actively in the
social and legal life of the country in order to promote a free and safe
life for the youth.
–The main goals of the organization are to develop art and psychology and to form civil society.
–To organize and collect all the recipes of Armenian national cuisine
and publish it. To participate in international contests, seminars, and
Table 1 presents a list of operational NGOs and their fields of activities, although not all are necessarily active.

Table 1
International NGOs can be classified under the same categories as
local NGOs, but have two additional categories—(1) infrastructure
development and construction, and (2) capacity building and technical
assistance for local CSOs, self-governing bodies, and community
A survey conducted by World Learning revealed that in the 1990’s, 70
percent of NGO leaders were women. However, by 2001, 58 percent of NGO
leaders were men, and by 2009, the percentage of male NGO leaders had
increased to 63. The shift might have occurred as men came to view NGOs
as a job opportunity and a means to further their careers.
Yet, while in 2004, approximately 75 international NGOs were
operating in Armenia, that number has since decreased. The reason for
this decline may be the stable economic growth seen in Armenia in 2006
and 2007.
Government Involvement
The gradual increase in the number of international NGOs in Armenia
and the corresponding need to regulate the activities of all types of
CSOs led to the Armenian government adopting its first Law on Civil
Society Organizations in 1996. The law encouraged international NGOs to
shift their activities from emergency response to development, the
protection of human rights, and enhancing the capacity of local NGOs.
The law states that Armenia recognizes the crucial role of NGOs in the
development of civil society and aims to promote the establishment of
NGOs as legal entities. The government has also passed decrees,
regulations, memorandums, and agreements related to cooperation with
NGOs, and formed institutional bodies and units on community and
national levels.
When interacting with society, NGOs in Armenia, in comparison to NGOs
in the Armenian Diaspora, use an informal and less structured process
for volunteering. NGOs in Armenia also have greater issues with
volunteer mismanagement; sporadic volunteer recruitment; lack of skills
assessment, orientation, and training for volunteers; and recognizing
volunteer contributions. Engaging volunteers in long-term regular
commitments, instead of ad hoc projects, could better utilize this
important resource.
Because voluntarism for society was not a common practice during the
Soviet era, there is a need to widely publicize the value of
volunteerism to get more people interested. Presently this important
human resource is underutilized by NGOs in Armenia. NGOs should realize
the expectations of the volunteer in order to retain their involvement
and commitment over time. A non-profit organization with a strong and
committed volunteer base is also more likely to attract new funds.
Democratic Governance
The internal democratic governance of NGOs in Armenia is another
issue that needs to be addressed. NGOs have developed written policies
for democratic governance, but often do not follow these policies. They
hold elections to select their internal leadership, yet the rotation
rate of such leadership is low. Typically, the founders of NGOs hold
their positions for a long time, which affects the formation of an
independent Board of Directors.
While most Armenian NGOs have bylaws and constitutions that outline
their governance mechanisms, it sometimes seems as though these
mechanisms are developed only to get the required permits and to attract
new funds, rather than from a genuine interest in democratic
management. Members are also often excluded from decision-making
processes. Unless NGOs embrace democratic procedures into their regular
operations, they will not be able to establish a credible reputation in
the community.
Funding Sources
Financial sustainability is one of the main challenges that local
NGOs in Armenia face. It is this challenge that limits their capacity
for impact and distorts the image of civil society as a financially
dependent sector. It is necessary to diversify funding sources by
fostering partnerships with a full variety of potential funders, whether
they are individuals, corporations, or governments. NGOs in Armenia
undertake fundraising activities through various events, exhibitions,
concerts, and other activities. However, the majority of NGOs have
difficulty with fundraising because they lack experience in fundraising
methods, basic marketing, and financial management skills.
The activities of Armenian NGOs are heavily reliant on external
funding. Some donor organizations work directly with NGOs, while others
operate on a bilateral or multilateral basis. The Armenian Diaspora also
assists the local NGO sector by allocating funds or providing in-kind
assistance. Many NGOs believe that if donor organizations leave Armenia,
the scope of their activities will be curtailed and they will become
non-operational due to a lack of funding.
The Civil Society Fund is one of several programs supported by the
World Bank, which has provided grants since 1999 to NGOs and other CSOs
in Armenia. The grants support activities related to civic engagement,
and focuses on empowering people who have been excluded from society’s
decision-making processes. The individual grants are between $8,000 and
Today’s unfavorable legislative framework related to donations to
non-profit organizations does not provide the NGO sector with an
opportunity to acquire alternative financing. Therefore, limited and
unsustainable funding from donors and the government make the NGO sector
more dependent, which in turns affects their independence and
sustainability. Furthermore, the Armenian business sector does not
invest in NGO development. (If it does, the investment is limited to a
one-time project or event-based charitable contributions.) Often NGOs
are forced to accept funding for projects that are not in line with
their mission, values, or principles; the project requirements are often
determined by the donor’s agenda, and this greatly affects credibility
of the organization. Armenia’s state budget allocates some funds for
NGOs on a competitive basis.
Lack of transparency and accountability is another issue facing NGOs,
which generally do not produce and disseminate annual reports and
financial statements. The majority of NGOs claim that their financial
information is publicly available; yet, on closer inspection, it becomes
clear that they rarely report to their beneficiaries when it comes to
the finances and the quality of their work. The majority of Armenian
NGOs think that the preparation of reports requires additional financial
expenditure. Reporting of finances and activities would improve the
public’s perception of NGOs.
One of the underlying causes of civil society’s weak effect on policy
and social issues is that NGOs have failed to extend their outreach and
rally greater support and higher levels of citizen participation in
their activities.
Long-term financial insecurity stands as another hindrance to the
number of CSO’s in Armenia. NGOs have relied solely or predominantly on
international donor funding, without diversifying their income sources
or developing a long-term strategy to change this situation. As a
result, the instability of work in the NGO sector has not attracted
young specialists.
Increasing the professional skills of CSOs through trainings and
staff development could help strengthen the level of organizational
development and achievement. What is critical is focusing on staff
retention, as well as establishing a culture of information sharing and
knowledge transfer.
Fragmentation and competition among NGOs occur frequently, resulting
in an ineffective system for Armenian CSOs. Because of limited
coordination among NGOs, the sector lacks updated information and a
database of NGOs. This creates an inadequate picture of these
organizations and, consequently, gives people a poor perception of NGOs.
This also affects the ability of NGOs to influence the decision-making
process in the public sphere.
Some issues facing civil society include a short-term approach, lack
of strategic thinking, clustering around pro-government or opposition
groups, and poor organizational capacity. In order to increase citizen
participation and sponsorship, NGOs must realize that they should be
deriving their legitimacy from society, as they depend on popular
support. Increased transparency and accountability are vital to support
this action. This includes reporting to beneficiaries just as they do to
funders, and presenting an inclusive account of all aspects of their
activities. Improvements in these fields will contribute to increased
levels of trust with the civil society sector and the broader society,
and will foster increased citizen participation.
Civil Society Briefs, Asian Development Bank, Armenia Resident Mission, November 2011.
Armenian Civil Society: From Transition to Consolidation, CIVICUS, Civil Society Index Policy Action Brief, 2010.
The Professionals for Civil Society NGO, database of NGOs, World Learning, Inc.
"The Armenian Weekly," January 15, 2014
Western government funding for Armenian NGO's is essentially pro-Turkish. They want Armenia to cut its ties with Russia so that a pan-Turkic corridor is formed from Turkey to Azerbaijan and beyond.
ReplyDeleteThe same is true for most Western foundation which fund, for example, Civiltas. The latter has a member of the pro-Azeri, genocide-denying American Jewish Committee on its board: Peter Rosenblatt. Why?
And funding for, say, an NGO that helps orphans is "essentially pro-Turkish," right?