Harut Der Tavitian (Chairman of the Nor Serount Cultural Association) presented the opening remarks for the conference, with over 700 followers online via live webcast, welcoming the audience, including dignitaries such as H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate; Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, former Primate; Reverend Joseph D. Matossian, Armenian Evengelical Union; the Honorable Grigor Hovhanissian, Consul General of the Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles along with Consul of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Artak Galstyan, and Archpriest Fr. Datev Tatoulian.
Moderating the first segment was Prof. Sebouh
Aslanian who introduced Prof. Hratch Tchilingirian with his talk titled
“From End of Empires to the Global Age: Issues and Questions in Armenian
Political Ideology and Strategy,” Rev. Dr. Abel Manoukian discussed
“The Founders: Their Formative Period as University Students,” and Prof.
Gerard Libaridian presented his talk titled, “At the Origins of the
Social Democratic Hunchakian Party: Problems and Paradoxes.”
The second session, moderated by Prof. Houri
Berberian, included the following speakers along with their papers;
Prof. Vahram Shemmassian, “Absolute Monarchy: The Hunchakian
Revolutionary Episode in Armenian Musa Dagh during the 1890s, Dr.
Garabet Moumdjian “1895 to 1914: The Relations of Armenian
Political/Revolutionary Organizations with the Young Turks,” and Prof.
Kevork Bardakjian “Ideology and Literature: The Mother Party and Some of
Her Literary Children.”
Moderator Prof. Ara Sanjian led the third session
which included Prof. Richard Hovannisian and his paper titled “The
Hunchakian Party and the First Republic of Armenia,” Mr. Aram Arkun with
“The Role of the Hunchakian Party in Post WWI Cilicia,” and Prof. Ara
Dostourian’s “The Labor & Political Work of the SDHP of the Eastern
U.S.A. in the Context of the Worldwide Hunchakian Movement.”
The fourth and last session moderated by Prof. Gerard
Libaridian included Dr. Vartan Matiossian disucussing “The Hunchakian
Party in the Armenian Communities of South America: An Outline of its
Early History,” and Prof. Ara Sanjian speaking about “Khrushchev,
Karabagh and the Hunchakians: A Documented Journey in the World of Oral
History in-Progress.”
Closing remarks were provided by SDHP Central
Committee member Mr. Harry Sarafian who ended the day-long conference
with reflections of the party’s activities from the past, present and
aspirations for the future. He stated that the SDHP is keen to return to
its roots and promote social democratic principles in Armenia, where
unfortunately ideological discourse is nonexistent today. He concluded
that the current state of the Armenian nation is a major concern and
thus it is crucial to learn from our history, learn from the mistakes,
as well as successes, in order to obtain the Armenia that we all aspire
to attain.
"Massis Weekly," November 3, 2012
"Massis Weekly," November 3, 2012
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