Samson Martirosyan
On Dec. 2, 1920, Armenian Prime Minister Alexandre
Khatisian signed the Alexandropol Treaty between the First Republic of
Armenia and Turkey. Pro-Soviet forces took control of Armenia’s
government, and the country was declared a Soviet state. Exactly 93
years later, on Dec. 2, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Armenia
to welcome President Serge Sarkisian’s decision to join the Russian-led
Custom’s Union, which many argue is an incarnation of the Russian
imperialistic appetite and an attempt to create a Soviet Union 2.0.
Early in the morning, prior to Putin’s arrival, large banners reading, “No
to Customs Union Colonization” (Ո՛Չ ՄԱՔՍԱՅԻՆ ԳԱՂՈՒԹԱՑՄԱՆԸ), “Sovereign
Republic of Armenia” (ԻՆՔՆԻՇԽԱՆ ՀՀ), and “Let’s get rid of the Sergiks”
(ԱԶԱՏՈՒԵ՛ՆՔ ՍԵՐԺԻԿՆԵՐԻՑ) hung above the main streets of Yerevan. Police
removed them almost immediately, and detained around six activists, who
were released by noon.
While the activists were hanging banners, many others—suspected
to be administrative staff of governmental institutions and Republican
Party of Armenia (RPA) members—were shipped in on buses and handed
Russian flags, in order to greet Putin and participate in the opening
ceremony of a monument that symbolizes Armenian-Russian friendship.
The main protest activity started at 1 p.m. at Freedom Square. I went
to the venue earlier than planned as rumors had spread that the
authorities were planning to close off a bigger part of Baghramyan
Avenue near the Presidential Palace. Police numbers were overwhelming
and the ratio of activists to policemen was approximately one to five.
Policemen seemed more hostile than usual, more alert and determined.
Early on, a police car intervened, warning that the protest was not
authorized by municipal authorities, and was thus illegal and had to be
dispersed. Initially, it was planned that the protest would move from
Freedom Square to the Presidential Palace via Northern Avenue and
Amiryan Street. Protesters quickly began marching while chanting,
“Putin, go home,” “We are the owners of our country,” and “Sergik, go
away.” Police blocked the march halfway through. The protesters
reversed direction, but were again blocked off. The then protesters
became trapped on Northern Avenue, with no way out. Eventually, after
negotiating with the police, they were allowed to move once again. The
protesters—numbering around 1,000—moved towards the government building,
only to be blocked again.
Young men and women, mostly students, carried a large banner that
read, “To the barricades.” Dozens of others held anti-Putin posters.
Someone waived a huge anarchist flag. Others carried the Ukrainian and
Armenian national flags tied together as a sign of solidarity with the
recent Euromaidan events in Kiev. And finally, for the first time, there
was the rainbow flag. All of these elements made this protest unique:
Diverse backgrounds and sets of values (a bit unusual in Armenia) were
represented here, united despite the absence of an organizing body.
The protesters took to Amiryan Street, and were again blocked by police, who started a crackdown. They detained every
activist they managed to catch, and confiscated
cameras. Simultaneously, a small skirmish took place between an
ultra-nationalist group and those carrying the rainbow flag, although it
didn’t result in major injuries and both sides avoided each other from
then on. Later, after the protest ended, they too were detained.
In the meantime, those activists who separated from the main group to
protest near the Presidential Palace on Baghramyan Avenue, where Putin
was supposed to arrive, were arrested by the police.
Back downtown, as police began acting violently, protesters ran to
another street to avoid being detained. Police announced that people had
been warned that the march was unauthorized, and that they were now
taking steps to detain them. Activists responded by chanting, “We are
not slaves.”
Meanwhile in Gyumri—Armenia’s second largest city, where authorities had frantically prepared
(*) for Putin’s arrival—Putin announced during a joint Armenian-Russian
forum that “As for the South Caucasus, Russia has no plans of ever
leaving it.” The decision to join the Custom’s Union “was a sovereign
decision,” said Putin in the presence of his Armenian counterpart and
the Armenian political leadership. After the forum, both presidents went
to the Russian military base in Gyumri, then headed to Yerevan.
The main protest activity started at 1 p.m.
at Freedom Square. I went to the venue earlier than planned as rumors
had spread that the authorities were planning to close a bigger part of
Baghramyan Avenue near the Presidential Palace.
A few hours later, protesters—whose numbers had drastically decreased
due to the numerous detentions—were finally allowed to leave the
street. Several of them attempted to cross over to Baghramyan Avenue,
but were unsuccessful. I, too, tried to make my way to Baghramyan via
the metro, but it turned out that “due to technical reasons” the metro
did not stop at Baghramyan Avenue. By 6 p.m., the area near the
Presidential Palace was closed. Almost all police departments available
were dispatched there. Even parents were not allowed to pick up their
kids from the school in that vicinity. It appeared as though there was a
state of emergency rather than a visit by the president of a foreign
The outcome of the visit was an agreement that would sell the last 20 percent of shares
(**) belonging to the Armenian ArmRosGazprom Company to the Russian Gazprom
Company, thus making Armenia even more dependent on Russia. Putin left
later that night. His visit resulted in a record number of arrests: 110 in total. (***)
There are several conclusions to be made after the events that happened in Armenia on Dec. 2.
Time is ticking. During his two terms as president, Serge
Sarkisian’s legitimacy has been questioned by many in Armenia. The more
time goes by, the stronger the dissent and anger of the Armenian
population. This was not solely an anti-Putin protest, but also an
anti-regime protest, which was led mostly by young people: the
“independence generation.” The majority of those who took to the streets
consider it their duty to stay and fight against impunity, injustice,
and hypocrisy. They hope to eventually build and live in their desired
country—an economically and politically independent state. They do not
wish to flee the country, but boost a change instead. If things go on
this way with Sarkisian pushing deeper “cooperation” with Putin, while
at the same time ignoring the urgent problems of unemployment,
emigration, poverty, and human rights, the situation might easily get
out of hand. Putin’s Russia, which appears to be chipping away at
Armenia’s sovereignty and independence, can be a solid reason to unite
groups that would normally find very little in common.
The regime is afraid. The very fact that protests, civil
disobedience, and other events aimed at expressing dissent are met with
heavy and overwhelming police response is more proof that the language
of brutal force, threats, and provocation is seen as the only effective
way of silencing citizens. The police have lost credibility in the eyes
of many. They are no longer perceived as guarantors of the security of
citizens, but as a brute force employed by the regime. This was clear in
the number of detentions.
Protesters are no longer alone. The protest attracted the attention of major news media, including EuroNews, Human Rights House, Global Post, BBC, and Reuters. The
protests attracted more attention than Putin’s visit, an encouraging
feat. Of course, such media coverage is connected to recent developments
surrounding the Custom’s Union, especially the events in Ukraine.
Still, it is the activists who benefited most from this. Now that
Sarkisian has turned his back to the EU and the West in general while
considering Russia as a main and high-priority partner and ally, it will
be more difficult to safeguard his legitimacy in the international
arena. The EU hopefully learned its lessons, namely, that trusting
rulers with questionable legitimacy is not useful in the long term. It
is possible that, moving forward, human rights violations and other
pressing issues will get more attention from the EU. Civil society
institutions will hopefully come to replace Sarkisian’s administration
as a main partner of the EU.
The situation in Armenia can often be depressing, and while I am
writing this report, there is another protest at Baghramyan 26, near the
Presidential Palace. This one is against the new pension law, and again
the police are there to face the protesters. But there is hope as long
as there is a group of young, energetic citizens who, instead of taking
the emigration route, choose to stay on our land and strive for a future
we want and deserve. On Dec. 2, I saw hundreds of such people, hundreds
who are not ready to sell their future, hundreds who are ready to
struggle for this worthy cause.
"The Armenian Weekly," December 3, 2013
(*) "Armenia’s second-largest city of Gyumri is becoming a Potemkin -- or
rather a Putin -- Village for a two-day visit this December by Russian
President Vladimir Putin. In the best Soviet tradition, when the South
Caucasus would tidy up and put on a show for a Communist big wig
visiting from Moscow, Gyumri is having a long-overdue face-lift to look
good for Putin, who himself is said to have a soft spot for facials.
Potholed roads are being fixed, facades are being painted, garbage is being carted away on a scale that Gyumri residents have not seen since communism. "If Putin comes to town twice a year, Gyumri will become a great city," joked municipal council member Levon Barsegian in comments to the news service. "It is shameful that it takes a visit of a head of foreign state to renovate the city," he added.
Gyumri Mayor Samvel Balasanian said he is not even sure what Putin’s itinerary is going to be during the December 2-3 visit. Some expect the Kremlin boss to skip the capital Yerevan and head straight to Gyumri's Russian military base, a major strategic foothold for Russia in the Caucasus.
Potholed roads are being fixed, facades are being painted, garbage is being carted away on a scale that Gyumri residents have not seen since communism. "If Putin comes to town twice a year, Gyumri will become a great city," joked municipal council member Levon Barsegian in comments to the news service. "It is shameful that it takes a visit of a head of foreign state to renovate the city," he added.
Gyumri Mayor Samvel Balasanian said he is not even sure what Putin’s itinerary is going to be during the December 2-3 visit. Some expect the Kremlin boss to skip the capital Yerevan and head straight to Gyumri's Russian military base, a major strategic foothold for Russia in the Caucasus.
So, with that in mind, workers also are busy renovating the road from the local airport to the base, and everything around it.
The city will also be hosting an Armenian-Russian economic forum and its venue, a local drama theatre, is covered in scaffolding after 10 years of neglect. The forum is now more important than ever after Yerevan opted this September to go with the Russian-led Customs Union, a decision that put the kibosh on accelerated integration with the European Union.
But looks like Yerevan has more to give Moscow than just its economic ambitions. It also will be handing over additional territory to the Gyumri military base, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported. In exchange, Russia will be handing over 18 helicopters to Armenian troops.
Yerevan seems to have done enough to please the Russian leader, but why stop when the going's good, some might ask. Landlocked as Armenia is, "at this rate, they may even open a sea port in Gyumri," joked Barsegian." (Giorgi Lomsadze, "Armenia's Gumri Becomes Putinville,", November 22, 2013).
The city will also be hosting an Armenian-Russian economic forum and its venue, a local drama theatre, is covered in scaffolding after 10 years of neglect. The forum is now more important than ever after Yerevan opted this September to go with the Russian-led Customs Union, a decision that put the kibosh on accelerated integration with the European Union.
But looks like Yerevan has more to give Moscow than just its economic ambitions. It also will be handing over additional territory to the Gyumri military base, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported. In exchange, Russia will be handing over 18 helicopters to Armenian troops.
Yerevan seems to have done enough to please the Russian leader, but why stop when the going's good, some might ask. Landlocked as Armenia is, "at this rate, they may even open a sea port in Gyumri," joked Barsegian." (Giorgi Lomsadze, "Armenia's Gumri Becomes Putinville,", November 22, 2013).
(**) Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller, who arrived in Armenia with Russian president Vladimir Putin, told reporters that Gazprom "will acquire today the last 20% of the
shares belonging to ArmRosGazprom Company." He added that, "the Russian gas price for
Armenia will change, and will be supplied to Armenia at Russia’s
internal price." Miller, however, refrained from mentioning concrete
figures, Armenpress reported (, December 2, 2013).
(***) According to the police report, "110 people were arrested and brought to the district departments of the Republic of Armenia Police. One of them was a minor and was delivered to parental custody; minutes of administrative violation were recorded against 43 people for committing an infraction according to article 182 of the Code for Administrative Infractions of the Republic of Armenia; 62 were subjected to administrative responsibility according to point 15 of article 180(1); one for article 182 and point 11 of article 180(1), and three for committing an infraction according to article 172(2) of the Code for Administrative Infractions of the Republic of Armenia" (, December 3). Translated by "Armeniaca"
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